[Translation] Lyric Song SJ KRY - Reminiscence

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Can't you see - she is behind me
Avoiding the wind and fast asleep
When the warm sunlight falls, she will wake, just wait a little bit

When winter came, we always went to the seaside

The cold wind and the white waves are the same as before but
Your bright and cheery nature that chattered next to me
Is now nowhere to be found

You said that the winter sea, that had no visitors, looked so sad

And said that we should stay with it and be the sea's friend
When you hid behind me to avoid the wind, I heard your small prayer
Asking for us to always be together by your side

The rough waves asked me

Why did I come alone and where you were

Can't you see - she is behind me

Avoiding the wind and fast asleep
When the warm sunlight falls, she will wake, just wait a little bit
I couldn't bear to say that I can't ever see you again
But without knowing, my shedding tears have been caught

I guess the passing wind told me that I can't ever find her again

No matter where I go, I can't find her
I guess the ocean spoke to me and asked me where she went
The ocean kept asking and eventually, it became tears like me

With the white tears that the ocean sent, I made your image

I lay by it and called out your name, in case you see

I guess the clouds were worried that it would melt -

The clouds covering the sun aren't leaving

* An ocean without you will live just as tears

The rough waves, also despising me
Telling me not to come without you, tell me to bring you there

Even if I say I can't see you, I know

The white snowflakes on my cheek,
Are actually your wet kiss and tears